Wednesday, August 4, 2010

My First Blog Post. Ever.

So I just got back from a skolling session with my Australia Rules Football team.  I’ll explain the aussie terminology later, or you can resort to google if you are so savvy.  Anyway, I’m in that mood where not much matters, so that’s why I chose this blog title. For the last couple days I’ve delayed starting this blog because I couldn’t come up with a good title.  I mean, we all know you can’t change a blog’s title halfway through, because everyone will just get confused and stop reading the blog, and then it’s all a waste.  But screw all that pressure.  It’s not about the title, right?  It’s about the substance.  Which will come soon, I swear.  This is my first blog, so I hope you’ll stick with me.  P.S. I hope I don’t regret this post tomorrow.