Sunday, November 7, 2010

Strategy to Get My Blog Out There

So I'm still procrastinating.  In light of my last post, I thought I would try something to see if I could get more people to read my blog.  I googled "how to get more readers" and this web site called technorati came up.  I'm not exactly sure what it does, but I have to verify that this blog is mine, so I need to include this code in a post:
We'll see how this little experiment goes.  I think people type in keywords to the technorati site and if they match with keywords that I use to describe my blog then they link to my blog?  Something like that maybe.  Just thought I'd give it a try.


  1. Hey Jared, you've just scored a new reader - me! I love reading blogs by Americans living in Oz, and I have just discovered yours via the 'Australian Planet' search engine (?) blog. I've enjoyed reading your blog posts - had a few chuckles along the way! We really are a weird mob down under, aren't we!

  2. Hey thanks for checking out the blog! Glad you enjoy it, and I try to add a little humor (or humour, as it is here I guess) to my posts. I'm finding oz pretty similar to the states in a lot of respects, but that makes the subtle differences stand out even more.
